Motivated by all the crazy stuff that has been happening over the years, I've been challanged by OtakuNoVideo to start my own blog. (Well in all fairness, he issued the challange to everyone.) So here we are with my first post about the blog itself. Right away the name is a reference to a particular video which features Tewi Inaba using English for comedic reasons. Originally I was planning to name the blog as "Tewi Maniax", as a satire or parody of Ogiue Maniax blog, but then I realized that I am probably not gonna blog much about Tewi at all.
So what should any reader expect from this blog. Not much at all really. I am only gonna post when I feel like posting what I feel like posting. I am not a professional writer nor is English my native language so this blog will probably be full of typos and bad grammar. (Hopefully not.) But do expect posts that are perhaps thought provoking and/or provide food for discussion. I wouldn't want it any other way.